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Hemming Wigs
All Mellow Melon wigs are hemmed. Hemming means that the raw edges of the fur are tucked up to create a more realistic looking hair line. Hemming takes extra time but in my opinion it makes for a nicer looking finished product. Compare the difference:

Keeping the Wig On
You may find that the wig will slip off your doll's head. In my opinion, the best way to keeps wigs in place is to stretch a thick elastic band around the dolls head. The wig cap then 'sticks' to the elastic keeping it in place. A small piece of Velcro also works, but it may damage the wigs over time.

If the Wig is Too Loose...
Your doll may have a head size that is in between the "standard" sizes. If a wig is too loose on your doll's head you can easily solve the problem by using Moleskin. Moleskin can be found in grocery stores in the shoe insole section. It comes in several thicknesses. To make a wig fit better, cut the moleskin into small pieces and stick it around your doll's head cap. I don't suggest sticking it to the doll's head or face in case the glue damages the face-up or the protective coating. The extra padding helps the wig fit more snuggly.

"Long White" vs "Soft White"
Soft White is an older fur that has sold out. The Soft White fur is much more bulky and I found it could be very overpowering on the smaller sized dolls. The only real esthetic difference between the two is that Soft White has some wave to it and Long White is perfectly straight.
Copyright 2008, Mel McCartney, All Rights Reserved.